Translate Pro v9.2 英/德文光碟正式版 (翻譯軟體)(5CD)
Translate Pro v9.2 英/德文光碟正式版 (翻譯軟體)(5CD)
The Translate series of products stand for the most advanced translation
technology on the market today. They are suited for everyone who needs
to communicate in German or wants to translate text efficiently and with
high quality.
With Translate you will understand foreign-language texts more easily
and also faster, since you can simply have them translated completey or
just individual passages of text or single sentences. And if you are
just lacking a word - with Translate you can quickly look it up.
Translate helps you composing texts in the foreign language just in the
same way. You can have your text completely translated for you - or just
certain sentences or paragraphs. Or you may want to look up some words,
which is much quicker than using a conventional dictionary.
The professional translation system for texts, e-mails and web pages
from German to English and from English to German
Updated and enlarged dictionary with an extensive standard-language
vocabulary from many subject areas
Comprehensive dictionary with general vocabulary and terms from many
subject areas for automatic translation and direct lookup
Creating and managing user dictionaries
Dictionary of idioms and automatic identification of idioms
Automatic language identification
Intersentential context-sensitive translation
Alternate translations
Translation memory with common phrases
Translate assistant, interactive operation assistant
Automatic reconnaissance of subject areas
Translate spelling check
Adaptation of translation to subject areas
British and American English
Support of circumscribed characters in source text
Optional decomposition of compound words
Optional contractions in English target text
Optional translation of you as Sie or du
Support of old and reformed German spelling
Full text processing support
click & translate for direct lookup and translation from within all
Windows applications
Import and export of Word documents
Integration with Microsoft Outlook
Integration with Word, Powerpoint and Excel
Translation from PDF documents directly from adobe reader
and adobe Acrobat
Translation memory component
Import and export of translation memories in TMX form
Import and export of word lists
Import and export of user dictionaries in XML
User interface customizable with respect to design, icon size,
display of toolbars
Speech generation for reading spring and aim text as well as
dictionary entries
office dictionary for looking up from arbitrary Windows applications
office dictionary pro:
With its up-to-date vocabulary of over 480,000 entries, this electronic
dictionary contains most of the common words of everyday usage and most
of what you need in your professional practice or in college.
The office dictionary remains in the background until you look up a word
by clicking on it in your browser, your text processor, or any other
Windows application.
The IntelliDict technology invented by Lingenio ensures that precisely
the translation adequate in a given context is displayed, that phrasal
verbs and other multiword expressions are recognized, and that idioms
are detected. The technology even works for German ad-hoc compounds
which are decomposed into their parts to make it easier for you to
grasp their meanings.
The multilevel display of dictionary entries allows you to concentrate
on the essential, and if you need to know more, you simply click on one
of the keywords to see all information in detail.