Pluralsight com Math For Programmers 視頻教學 英文教學版(DVD一片裝)
Have you ever wondered exactly why displaying the contents of
memory often gives strange-looking numbers like 0x38FF that
contain letters? Or puzzled over a time when your code added two
floating point numbers but the result wasn't quite correct? If
so, then this is the course for you. It aims to teach you the
mathematics behind how computers store and manipulate numbers
and booleans. You'll learn, amongst other things, how to read
binary and hexadecimal numbers, and why floating point numbers
are almost always stored with small errors and how to estimate
how big those errors are. You'll find out how to simplify
complex logical expressions, or how to use logical operators and
bitwise flags to very efficiently store and manipulate sets of
true/false properties. The course also features lots of advice
on best practices for working with numerical and boolean data.
Underpinning all this, you'll learn how to see your data the way
a computer sees it. And that, when your job involves writing or
debugging code that manipulates millions of bytes of data, is a
very useful skill to have.